The Sustainable Garden

Level 1 Diploma

Course Location


Cheadle College


Cheadle College

Further Details





Course Start Date

Friday 27th September 2024

Course Duration

Full-time, 10 Weeks

Course Time

10:00 - 13:00

Course Fee

£ 75.00
You may be eligible for support with your tuition fees - please visit the college website - funding and finance page for further information

Course Code


Course Overview

Transform your garden into a thriving, biodiverse haven with our comprehensive Sustainable Gardening Course. Learn the skills to create a space that not only supports local wildlife but also provides you with a peaceful retreat from the stresses of daily life.

Master techniques to recycle water and compost garden waste, reducing your environmental footprint. Learn innovative ways to repurpose materials and resources in your garden, promoting a circular economy. Discover sustainable alternatives to plastic, ensuring your garden is eco-friendly and future-proof. Embrace organic gardening methods to cultivate healthy plants without harmful chemicals. Identify and avoid products that damage ecosystems, protecting the environment for future generations.

Take the first step towards a more sustainable future. Transform your garden into an eco-friendly sanctuary that benefits both you and the planet.

Course Requirements

No prior knowledge. Just enthusiasm for creating a sustainable growing space no matter how large or small.

Please bring a long a pen and note pad plus steel toe capped footwear and gardening gloves. A few pairs of boots and gloves are available to borrow if you don’t have your own.

What you will Learn

Recycling water and garden waste
Reusing existing resources
Reducing the use of plastics
Growing without the reliance on pesticides
Moving away from using products that can be damaging to other ecosystems


The course is a combination of classroom based learning and practical sessions. There will also be some activities to complete between sessions.

This is a non-accredited leisure course, so no formal qualification is gained but a college certificate will be presented to learners at the end of the programme.


You may wish to progress onto one of the other recreational courses: Grow Your Own Sustainable Garden and Growing and Using Herbs. Your Tutor can also discuss the opportunity of taking a qualification in horticulture.

Career Options

Sustainable Garden Designer
Urban Farmer
Community Garden Coordinator
Landscape Technician
Horticultural Therapist
Garden Educator
Sustainable Garden Writer/Blogger
Retail Nursery Staff
Botanical Garden Staff
Green Roof Installer
Ecological Restoration Technician

Mandatory Units

There are no mandatory units

Contact Details

For further information please contact T: 0161 886 7070 or E:

Extra Costs Involved

Exam Validation Body

Hours Per Week

How Long To Complete

Programme Structure

Contact Details


Although every care has been taken to ensure that the information contained within this document is accurate, there may be changes to this programme and provision. We will endeavour to keep prospective and current students updated where appropriate and when the information becomes available.
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August 29th - September 12th


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