Level 1 Diploma in Practical Horticulture Skills

Level 1 Diploma

Course Location


Cheadle College


Cheadle College

Further Details





Course Start Date

Monday 16th September 2024

Course Duration

Full-time, 1 Year

Course Time

10:00 - 14:30

Course Fee

£ 993.00
You may be eligible for support with your tuition fees - please visit the college website - funding and finance page for further information

Course Code


Course Overview

This course is for students who want to gain basic horticulture skills. It allows candidates to learn, develop and practise the skills required for progression into the horticulture sector.

There will be œ100 charge for materials.

Course Requirements

Initial assessment and induction
An initial assessment of each candidate will be made before the start of their programme to identify:
if the candidate has any specific training needs
support and guidance they may need when working towards their qualification
any units they have already completed, or credit they have accumulated which is relevant to the qualification and the appropriate type and level of qualification.
An induction programme will be in place so that each candidate fully understands the requirements of the qualification, their responsibilities as a candidate, and the responsibilities of the centre.

What you will Learn

Depending on the time of year units will be chosen from the following list.
Prepare for sowing or planting under supervision
Plant container grown subjects
Prepare soil and apply organic mulch
Water a bed, border or area of plants in containers
Cultivate land by single digging or forking
Apply fertiliser by hand to bare ground
Determine soil pH with colour indicator test kit under supervision
Plant flower bulbs for naturalisation or bedding
Prepare and plant a hanging basket
Prepare and plant a container for display
Care for a planted area
Prune hedges by hand
Prune bush roses
Dead-head rose bushes,
Rhododendrons or other shrubs
Prune shrubs for winter stem colour
Prune deciduous spring-flowering shrubs
Prune deciduous shrubs flowering on current season’s growth
Support individual stems
Support herbaceous perennials
Support plants on wires, frames or trellis
Lift, divide and plant herbaceous perennials
Sow seed outdoors in drills by hand
Sow seed indoors in containers
Prick out seedlings
Propagate by stem cuttings
Pot up rooted cuttings, large seedlings or plugs by hand


Candidates must:
Successfully complete the checklists for each unit
Recognition of prior learning (RPL)
Recognition of prior learning means using a person’s previous experience or qualifications
which have already been achieved to contribute to a new qualification.
RPL is allowed and is also sector specific


Level 2 Horticulture

Career Options

Mandatory Units

Prepare for sowing or planting under supervision
Plant container grown subjects
Prepare soil and apply organic mulch
Water a bed, border or area of plants in container

Contact Details

For further information please contact T: 0161 886 7070 or E: info@trafford.ac.uk

Extra Costs Involved

Exam Validation Body

Hours Per Week

How Long To Complete

Programme Structure

Contact Details


Although every care has been taken to ensure that the information contained within this document is accurate, there may be changes to this programme and provision. We will endeavour to keep prospective and current students updated where appropriate and when the information becomes available.
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